Salmonberry Trail Intergovernmental Agency will meet Oct. 11 in Tillamook

Tillamook – The Salmonberry Trail Intergovernmental Agency (STIA) will hold a board meeting on Friday, October 11 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Port of Tillamook Bay Officers’ Mess Hall, 6825 Officers’ Row Road just outside of Tillamook.
The board is expected to discuss a number of items to further the development of the Salmonberry Trail, including a change to the agreement that created the STIA, adding Washington County as a full member to the board, which included Tillamook County from the board’s formation in 2015.
Topics on the rest of the agenda include, among others, a discussion surrounding the fledgling Salmonberry Trail Foundation, which recently lost its executive director, Alana Kambury. It was announced that Kambury would be transitioning out of her role in an Aug. 26 email.
The general public is invited to attend, with public comment opportunities to be held during the meeting.
The Salmonberry Trail Intergovernmental Agency was established in 2015 as a framework of government agencies, including the Oregon Department of Forestry, Washington County, the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde and more. It is the government entity responsible for promoting and leading planning, development and maintenance of the proposed Salmonberry Trail.
For more information, contact Amy Delahanty at 503-725-2265. Individuals that need special accommodations to attend should contact Delahanty at least three days prior to the meeting.